このようなメッセージをハワイ在住の日系人が発信しています。 横須賀でも、基地のゲート前で、牧師が、英語で米兵に呼びかけを行っています。 ジッと聞いている米兵もいるということです。 平和への一歩をコミュニケーションによって築こうとの市民活動の一環です。 |
Ten Basic Facts Every GI Should Know About Okinawa 1) Okinawa was not originally a part of Japan. The Ryukyu Kingdom was seized by Japan in 1871, and made into a prefecture in 1879. For this, the consent of the Okinawan people was never asked for. 2) Ever since then, Okinawans have been discriminated against by Japanese. (If you are African-American, Asian-American, Latino, or Native American, you will know what this means). 3) Okinawans have never in their history had their lives made safer or more secure by military power. For example, the military bases built here by the pre-war Japanese government did not protect the people. On the contrary, it was because the bases were here that war came to Okinawa. 4) Though World War II was never Okinawa fs war, its most terrible battle was fought here. In the Battle of Okinawa virtually every building in the central and southern part of the main island was destroyed, and one in four of the Okinawan people were killed. After this experience, the Okinawans can never be persuaded that military force is a protector of life. 5) After invading Okinawa, the U.S. military kept the islands as its own possession for 27 years. About 20% of the land was taken for U.S. bases. Okinawa was governed by the Pentagon. The Okinawan people were citizens of no country. Prostitution was kept legal for the convenience of the U.S. troops. 6) None of the land under the U.S. bases is owned by the United States. At first the U.S. simply siezed this land and paid no rent, which is in violation of international law. In 1952, when the Peace Treaty with Japan was signed (which still left Okinawa in the hands of the U.S. military), the U.S. announced it would start paying rent to the landowners. But the rent was so small that most landowners refused it. Finally, after an "all-island struggle" in support of the landowners, the U.S. was forced to start paying decent rent. @Yet even today many Anti-War Landlords refuse to sign rental contracts for their land which is under US control. 7) Though Okinawa comprises only 0.6% of all Japanese territory, 75% of all U.S. bases in Japan are in Okinawa. To the Okinawans, this is clear and direct discrimination, both by Japan and by the U.S. 8) In the more than half-century the U.S. has kept bases on Okinawa, the U.S. military has never protected the Okinawans against any foreign invader, real or imagined. Rather, if Okinawa is attacked, it will be because the U.S. bases are here. Moreover, the U.S. military has been unable to protect the Okinawan people against itself. For example, since Okinawa's reversion to Japan in 1972, well over 100 women and girls have been @raped by GIs. (This is only the number of reported rapes; in Okinawa as in the U.S., most women who are raped never report it). And the number steadily continues to increase. 9) The Okinawan people have never asked to have U.S. bases here. They have never been asked if they would consent to having U.S. bases here. They have never in any form given their consent to the U.S. bases being here. On the contrary, they have struggled against the bases for decade after decade, but their wishes have been ignored by the government of the U.S. and Japan. 10) The U.S. and Japan say the military bases they keep here protect the Okinawans from invasion. But the only countries in history ever to invade Okinawa have been the U.S. and Japan. |